Building relationships with businesses who share our philosophy, mutual confidence and trust

The Redwood tree is there for the long-term.  It is solid, clear, and impressive.  There is no mystery – you see what you get.  The tree adapts to the world around it.  Those are the values at the heart of my business.

It is all too easy for people working in the credit and risk markets to attempt to dazzle their clients with highly technical industry jargon.

Ultimately, however, I prefer plain English and clarity. 

I founded Redwood Financial to put the client first.  That starts by understanding why your business needs to raise money.  It means working through your appetite for risk, your business plan, and the potential outcomes of your investment.  It means talking in jargon free language.

Once those conversations have been had, and our relationship has been built, we can begin to look at the best ways to raise the funds you need.

It’s an approach based upon respect and intellectual curiosity. Redwood builds relationships with businesses who share our philosophy, mutual confidence, and trust.